
This section represent SOFTEC contribution to the open-source community and to the Internet. Since we are promoting open-source solution and we provide development and support based on them to our clients, we feel entitled to provide our own developpement to the open-source community.

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Regular expressions

RegularExpressions (regex in short) is a powerful and flexible language for text searching. Regular expressions engines are efficient tools for parsing many kind of data, locating and even replacing data patterns. Regex are now available in most popular language either integrated or as an external more...

See also...


The main purpose of CallConvHack is to provide a working SubversionSharp to Windows users. Subversion callbacks should use Cdecl calling convention. Under Windows, C# delegates default to Stdcall calling convention. Moreover, there is no way using plain C# to change this behaviour [1]. This hack (based on several articles, blogs and posts available elsewhere) patch IL code directly to fix the calling convention of attribute-marked more...


SubversionSharp is a C# wrapper that fully covers the client API of Subversion SCM. Easy access to the Subversion API is provided without any compromise on fonctionality. This library is the starting point to easily integrate Subversion repositories in any .NET managed software. These C# bindings for Subversion has been written for portability and performances. This library is now available for both Mono/Linux and .NET/Windows more...

See also...