
Any character not a meta-character of the regex syntax is matched literally. This is true for any character, even a space is significant unless you also specify the free form mode modifier. If you need to match literally a meta-character, you can precede it by the backslash (\) meta-character.

For regex stored in string, you should also be careful about the meta-characters specifics to literal string in the host language. To match a backslash in a regex, you need two backlashes (/\\/) [1].

Meta-character used to match special characters

For convenience, most implementation also define character shorthands for useful control characters:

Shorthand Mnemonic ASCII code Matches
\a Alert 0x07 Ctrl-G, the BEL control character
\b Backspace 0x08 Ctrl-H, the BS control character. The meaning of this shorthand is usually restricted to character classes. Outside character classes, \b means word-boundaries
\e Escape 0x1B Ctrl-[, the ESC control character
\f Form feed 0x0C the FF control character
\n Newline 0x0A usualy the LF control character, except for MacOS systems that match ASCII 0x0C
\r Carriage return 0x0C usualy the CR control character, except for MacOS systems that match ASCII 0x0A
\t Tabulation 0x09 the HT control character
\v Vertical tabulation 0x0B the HT control character
\nnn Octal code any character represented as an octal value, ie: \012 and \n are equivalent. The number of digit following \ is usually fixed to 3.
\x{nn} or \x{nnn} Hexadecimal code any character represented as an hexadecimal value, ie: \x0A and \n are equivalent. The number of digit following \x is usually fixed to 2 or 4.
\unnnn Unicode character any unicode character represented as an hexadecimal value, ie: \x000A and \n are equivalent. The number of digit following \u is usually fixed to 4 (or 8).
\cchar Control character any control character represented by its corresponding control letter, ie: \cJ and \n are equivalent.

See also...


[1] If the regex is written as a literal string of a host language that use backslashes has a meta-character, you need four backslashes ("\\\\").