CLR Projects: Ticket #8 (Question: Sharpdevelop) <p> I am trying to setup for an application that will store test cases and requirement traceablility, using sharpdevelop and subversion but I get the following error message when I attempt to compile. (I also get the same error whe attempting to compile with visual studio 2005 </p> <p> Build started. Compiling <a class="wiki" href="/trac/clr/wiki/AprSharp">AprSharp</a> Compiling <a class="wiki" href="/trac/clr/wiki/SubversionSharp">SubversionSharp</a> C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.Common.targets(3089,13) : error MSB3073: The command ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Bin\ildasm.exe" /TEXT "" | "..\..\..\..\<a class="wiki" href="/trac/clr/wiki/CallConvHack">CallConvHack</a>\hack\bin\Release\<a class="wiki" href="/trac/clr/wiki/CallConvHack">CallConvHack</a>.exe" /TEXT /UTF8 ".il" "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\ilasm.exe" /DLL /QUIET /OUT:"" ".il"" exited with code 255. Build failed. </p> <p> Any help would be appreciated. </p> en-us Trac v0.10.3 CLR Projects