CLR Projects: Ticket #5 (Upgrade wrapper to use new C API of the latest Subversion built) <p> The library currently support most useful function from the 1.0.x API branch. We need to upgrade our support to the latest subversion built. </p> en-us Trac v0.10.3 CLR Projects denisg@eguilde Wed, 02 Aug 2006 11:59:06 GMT component, description, summary changed <ul> <li><strong>component</strong> changed from <em>AprSharp</em> to <em>SubversionSharp</em>.</li> <li><strong>description</strong> changed from <em>Expose and use new C API function from Subversion 1.2</em> to <em>The library currently support most useful function from the 1.0.x API branch. We need to upgrade our support to the latest subversion built.</em>.</li> <li><strong>summary</strong> changed from <em>Upgrade wrapper to use new C API of Subversion 1.2</em> to <em>Upgrade wrapper to use new C API of the latest Subversion built</em>.</li> </ul> Ticket